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- ;; pa-jhelum.mim -- Punjabi input method for jhelum layout
- ;; Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
- ;; This file is part of the m17n contrib; a sub-part of the m17n
- ;; library.
- ;; The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;; The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;; License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free
- ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- (input-method pa jhelum)
- (description "Punjabi input method for jhelum layout.
- Key Summary:
- Some complex Characters
- z=ੱ
- Z=਼
- x=α¿é
- X=ੰ
- |=।
- D=੍ (halant to type Parian character like Ra/Ha)
- The conjuncts called HALANT letters can be used using the following keys:
- (i) Consonant + RA
- ie, key 'K' + key 'D' + key 'J'
- (ii) Consonant + HA
- ie, key 'K' + key 'D' + key 'U'
- (iii) Consonant + VA
- ie, key 'K' + key 'D' + key 'B'
- (iv)Consonant + YA
- ie, key 'K' + key 'D' + key '/'
- Key summary: AP Singh Brar <apbrar@gmail.com>, Jaswinder Singh <jsingh@redhat.com>
- ")
- (title "α¿ò")
- (map
- (trans
- ((KP_1) "੧")
- ((KP_2) "੨")
- ((KP_3) "੩")
- ((KP_4) "੪")
- ((KP_5) "੫")
- ((KP_6) "੬")
- ((KP_7) "੭")
- ((KP_8) "੮")
- ((KP_9) "੯")
- ((KP_0) "੦")
- ((KP_Decimal) ".")
- ((KP_Divide) "/")
- ((KP_Multiply) "*")
- ((KP_Add) "+")
- ((KP_Subtract) "-")
- ("~" ?~)
- ("`" ?`)
- ("!" ?!)
- ("1" ?1)
- ("@" ?@)
- ("2" ?2)
- ("#" ?#)
- ("3" ?3)
- ("$" ?$)
- ("4" ?4)
- ("%" ?%)
- ("5" ?5)
- ("6" ?6)
- ("7" ?7)
- ("8" ?8)
- ("(" ?()
- ("9" ?9)
- (")" ?))
- ("0" ?0)
- ("_" ?_)
- ("-" ?-)
- ("+" ?+)
- ("=" ?=)
- ("Q" ?α¿ö)
- ("q" ?ੌ)
- ("W" ?α¿É)
- ("w" ?ੈ)
- ("E" ?α¿å)
- ("e" ?ਾ)
- ("R" ?α¿ê)
- ("r" ?ੀ)
- ("T" ?α¿è)
- ("t" ?ੂ)
- ("Y" ?ੜ)
- ("y" ?ਰ)
- ("U" ?ਧ)
- ("u" ?ਦ)
- ("I" ?α¿ÿ)
- ("i" ?α¿ù)
- ("O" ?ਟ)
- ("o" ?α¿ñ)
- ("P" ?α¿½)
- ("p" ?ਪ)
- ("{" ?α¿ó)
- ("[" ?α¿í)
- ("}" ?α¿₧)
- ("]" ?α¿Ö)
- ("A" ?α¿ô)
- ("a" ?ੋ)
- ("S" ?α¿Å)
- ("s" ?ੇ)
- ("D" ?α¿à)
- ("d" ?੍)
- ("F" ?α¿ç)
- ("f" ?ਿ)
- ("G" ?α¿ë)
- ("g" ?ੁ)
- ("H" ?α¿á)
- ("h" ?ਹ)
- ("J" ?α¿¥)
- ("j" ?α¿£)
- ("K" ?α¿û)
- ("k" ?α¿ò)
- ("L" ?α¿Ñ)
- ("l" ?ਲ)
- (":" ?:)
- (";" ?ਸ)
- ("\"" ?\")
- ("'" ?')
- ("|" ?।)
- ("\\" ?\\)
- ("Z" ?਼)
- ("z" ?ੱ)
- ("X" ?ੰ)
- ("x" ?α¿é)
- ("C" ?α¿¢)
- ("c" ?α¿Ü)
- ("V" ?α¿»)
- ("v" ?ਵ)
- ("B" ?α¿¡)
- ("b" ?α¿¼)
- ("N" ?α¿ú)
- ("n" ?α¿¿)
- ("M" ?α¿á)
- ("m" ?α¿«)
- ("<" ?<)
- ("," ?,)
- (">" ?>)
- ("." ?.)
- ("?" ??)
- ("/" ?/)
- ("^" "੍ਰ")
- ("*" ?*)
- ))
- (state
- (init
- (trans)))